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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

35 weeks | Nursery Complete


Baby about the size of a:  Honeydew Melon

Baby Measurement: Baby boy is over 5 or 6 lbs. The last Ultrasound we had was on April 14th and she told us he was measuring 5 lbs 3 oz. So, I am sure he is a lot bigger by now!
Feeling: Whew! Definitely starting to feel him drop a little every day. Seems strange how every time I start to get comfortable I have to run to the bathroom. My bladder is certainly feeling overworked. Haha. Now when he moves I can feel little parts of his body. I swear there have been at least two days I have felt his tiny hands go across my tummy.
Baby H's Nursery

Check out some of the pictures of his nursery! Nana (my mother) came to Moultrie to help us get organized for our little man. This is the final look of the nursery. The only thing left to do is to put his name on the boards over his crib. We are still waiting on Daddy to help us decide a name!

The colors are a mixture of navys, blues, and khakis. Definitely not your average baby boy nursery, but it's really what my husband wanted. The more I think about it the more I am glad this is how it ended up looking. Jeff and I were talking about different nursery themes and they didn't quite fit his personality or mine for a little boy. This is where our inspiration comes from.. our personalities! We love the outdoors and being adventurous!





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