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Friday, January 31, 2014

21 / 22 weeks | Nursey Time and Sickness

Pregnancy: Week 21 as of Friday, January 17, 2014
                     Week 22 as of Friday, January 24, 2014

Baby about the size of a:  Papaya

Craving: Nothing special or significant! Still obsessed with CHILI! I have been wanting chocolate lately, too!

Weight Gain?: Only gained almost 10 pounds, so far! No swelling, yet - YAY!

Feeling: Feeling good, just a little back pain. I can always tell when I eat too much, because it makes me feel terrible and huge ( bloated )!

Last week was TERRIBLE! I had a sinus infection and couldn't get any relief, so I finally had to go to the doctor. She put me on antibiotics and made me stay home for the week with a doctor's excuse! Luckily, I didn't miss much at work and no one was hardly there anyways. I spent the week laying in bed, mostly, and cleaning up the house.

Nursey Time

One afternoon Jeff came in and decided we would get the nursery cleared out and put in the new furniture! Well, the new furniture consisted of the crib and the changing table because that room is very small! I can't believe he built the changing table! It looks amazing and I even got to help pick out the paint to match the crib and paint it!

I can't wait to finish it all up so I can post a picture of the nursery all fixed up!


After being sick a whole week, I came back to the office Monday to find a surprise on my desk! Zona bought my little man some baby booties! Aren't they so cute! :)

Moultrie Junior Woman's Club Annual Luncheon

I fought my sickness and ended up making it to the Junior's Annual Luncheon and actually won an award! I was a little shocked, but super happy! I received a Community Service Award for the Arts Department!
The picture looks TERRIBLE! I can't hide that tummy any longer! Little man must want  some attention!


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