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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

24 weeks | A little behind

Pregnancy: Week 24 as of Friday, February 7, 2014  (Not 100% accurate)

Baby about the size of a:  Grapefruit




I haven't been posting as much on my pregnancy throughout the last few weeks because we had a little set back on some pictures from our anatomy scan/ultrasound images. There was a little confusion with some of the pictures the sonographer captured of our little man's heart, so we went back to get another look and turned out that everything is great with his heart - WHEW!

Another set back was his right kidney was slightly enlarged and they wanted us to come back for another ultrasound to see if it had resolved itself or if we needed to monitor it. From talking with the sonographer we gathered that it looks like his right kidney is still enlarged and we are in hopes that it will resolve itself sometime before delivery and if not there is a chance they may have to put in a stint to help "assist"  the valve from the kidney to the bladder in order to work properly.

So, we have another ultrasound on March 12th and would love any prayers you are willing to lift up for Baby Horne!


Now, March 3rd is when I have to take my Glucose Test... dun dun dunnnnn
which means I have to drink that nasty drink and give a little blood. I sure hope that I don't have gestational diabetes. My mother did with me and she said she couldn't eat any sugar for the rest of her pregnancy - NOOOO! I love my chocolate and don't know if I will be able to give it up for that long!


*Just in case you want to know*

Lastly, as you read earlier I am a little confused on my weeks because the doctor changed my due date from May 30th to May 26th! I know it's only 4 days, but that is almost a week difference! It may not be a huge deal to you reading this, but to me every week counts!
With that being said, I am going to try and catch up the blog! :)

Pictures from the week:

Leanne is 14 weeks and I am 24 weeks!

The next picture is from my weekend working at Rock Eagle with two of the best girls. Kimberly Dove and Ashley Carroll -

And lastly a picture of me and Kimberly's husband, Derrick! It's too funny not to post!

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