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Friday, February 21, 2014

25 weeks | Meeting Maci & Valentine's Day

Pregnancy: Week 25 as of Monday, February 10, 2014  (Not 100% accurate)

Baby about the size of a:  Zucchini

I feel Baby Horne kicking and moving all around in my belly! It really puts my mind at ease when he moves a lot. Jeff loves to play with his turkey calls and it wakes Baby up almost instantly! His excitement for his new little son makes my heart so happy. He will be such a good daddy!

Meeting Maci

This weekend I got to love on my new little cousin Maci Harper Edwards! We had a birthday party for her brother (my other cousin) Lincoln who is turning 4! They grow up so fast it blows my mind! Well, while I was home for the weekend I got a few newborn photos of her for Aunt Sheila and Erin (her mama).

Here is just a sneak peek of one of her pictures from our newborn session. If you would like to see more click here or visit

Here is a cute video of my little cousin, Lincoln, and Granddaddy singing and playing from the weekend.

My birthday

27 years of happiness have already come and gone! I can't believe life goes by so fast as does everything in life as well. I had an awesome birthday and I am blessed with some pretty amazing people in my life.
My office took me out to lunch at Tarragon Grill in Moultrie (one of my favorite restaurants) and I got the yummy Candied Pecan Salad that I always love to order. I got spoiled with chocolate, a new bracelet, a pretty frame, and an awesome devotional!
Love these ladies and couldn't be more thankful for everything they do for me. ( a few missing from the picture)

Another thing that made it so special was my sweet husband, Jeff. He surprised me with a brand new full frame camera to add to my photography equipment! Geez, how did I get so darn lucky? :) And my AWESOME mother bought me my favorite cupcakes from Issac's Bakery! Such a great birthday! Here's to 27 years! Love you all


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